Artist residency at Vermont Studio Center
Johnson, October 25, 2018 October of 2018 has been one of the most memorable months of my life, in an ideal setting, where I have been...
Soul Mining exhibition at Vincent Price Art Museum
The Vincent Price Art Museum’s Soul Mining show takes on a difficult subject: Asian assimilation in Latino communities and countries. The...
Art auction in benefit of Action for Solidarity
Action for Solidarity is a non-profit NGO that has been helping people with HIV/AIDS in Venezuela and their families for more than 23...
Let's help the hungry children of Carora, Venezuela
Dear friends, As you may know, the people of Venezuela are going through extremely tough times because of hyperinflation and the...
Deconstrucción: Arte contemporáneo venezolano en ARCO Madrid
El trabajo de 17 artistas contemporáneos venezolanos se presenta en ARCOmadrid, que se celebra entre el 21 y 25 de febrero en los...
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros donates 3 of my photos to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New
[VERSION EN ESPAÑOL MAS ABAJO] My photos Purple Haze (2011), La ciudad mas peligrosa del mundo (2010) and Lights on (2011), will...
I am me. I am you. I am everything that observes me and I am everything I observe. I am love.
(No birth, no death, 2017) Wishing you a 2018 full of growth May you be safe May you be happy May you be healthy May you live with ease...
El nuevo país de las artes
Fui invitada a participar en este libro cuya coordinación editorial estuvo a cargo de Antonio López-Ortega. La entrevista fue realizada...
Soul Mining group show at Arizona State University Museum
Soul Mining: The influence of Asian culture and labor in Latin America. Curated by Julio Cesar Morales and Xiaoyu Weng September 23 -...
Share your abortion story
I invite all women who have experienced an abortion -whether induced or spontaneous- to share their stories .