Self-portrait As Consciousness of Time, 2020

Self-Portrait as Consciousness of Time is a contemplative, ritualistic performance and site-specific land art piece documented through photography. The work delves on themes of time, impermanence, and self-discovery. Suwon Lee explores the cyclical nature of rebirth, transcending physical forms and dimensions. Through a symbolic burial in the landscape of Almería, she merges with the land, forging a profound connection to both nature and her ancestral lineage. This act symbolizes her effort to root herself in new territory after migrating from her native Venezuela, a journey that led her across two continents before arriving to Spain.
Stones—ancient, enduring witnesses—form the self-portrait and emphasize that, like the elements from which they arise—fire, water, earth, wind, and space—humans are inextricably connected to the cosmos. The burial of the symbolic body signifies both a return to the earth and a reflection on the cyclical rhythms of existence.
Acknowledging the impermanence of all things, the piece accepts the possibility of its destruction by natural forces or human intervention. Yet, its deeper significance endures: a reminder of the transient nature of life and the continuous passage of time. Lee dedicates the performance to her ancestors, honoring the struggles and resilience that shaped her lineage while extending a universal wish for safety, well-being, and inner peace.
Blending performance, ritual, and the natural environment, Self-Portrait as Consciousness of Time is a meditative reflection on the human journey. It invites viewers to contemplate their own paths toward inner clarity and consciousness, even amidst the struggles of earthly existence.
Time has no beginning and no end.
Change is its only constant, a force that we perceive as the passage of time.
I have lived countless lives in every imaginable form: from the unicellular to the invertebrate, from the aquatic to the reptilian, from the insect to the animal and finally, human. Across all realms and dimensions, I have been born and reborn. In this life, I am called Suwon. Born from the Good Star and Bright Jade, my name signifies a fountain of cultivation. My life has been a journey of nurturing, enriching, and knowing myself.
Here, in this barranco, I have come to understand myself through this self-portrait made with stones—silent, ancient witnesses of time. Like us, these stones are the result of elemental forces: fire, water, earth, wind, and space. They are the essence of the universe, reminding us that "as it is outside, so it is within the body."
Today, before you three who bear witness, I bury myself in the soil of Almería. I bury my symbolic body and merge with this land.
I dedicate this piece to my ancestors, the men and women whose lives came together to create me, who endured hardships and challenges in pursuit of a life well-lived.
This piece exists for today. It is ephemeral, subject to the forces of nature and human hands alike. Let it stand as a reminder of impermanence and the awareness of time’s passage.
As the waters of rain and riverbeds carry all things in their path, year after year, century after century, so too may our lives carry us along the paths we are meant to follow, guiding us toward the purest essence of our being.
May we all find a brilliant and pure inner world, even as we live within this imperfect, earthly one.
May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you live with ease.
Let us all go in peace.
Thank you.
Suwon Lee
Vélez-Blanco. Almería, 2020