Kyopo series included in the first research on Korean immigration in Venezuela (1962-2021)
My Kyopo series has been included in the first research on Korean immigration in Venezuela by R. Indira Valentina Réquiz Molina and published by the Center of African, Asian and Latin American and Caribbean Diaspora Center (CEAA) of the University of the Andes in Venezuela.
"Réquiz Molina investigates the historical origins of Korean migration, the evolution of immigration laws or the plans to attract migrants in Venezuela in the 19th and 20th centuries– the latter from which the obstacles imposed on natives of Asian countries can be extracted–, the arrival of the first Koreans, and the contributions of this group to science, the business world, traditional medicine, restaurants and sports, among others. From her analysis emerges a brief review of the families that were attracted by the progress that Venezuelan society was experiencing in the seventies and eighties of the last century. Finally, this work is accompanied by four illustrative graphics on Korean residents, students and community in Venezuela from 1993 to 2021, as well as an extraordinary photographic record of the Kyopo collection, developed by Suwon Lee.
Identity is one of the transversal lines of Lee's work, since in her series titled The Kyopo she creates the first photographic record of the Korean community in Venezuela. In 2021, with How to Measure Time, she conceptualizes the duality of identity through the clock, since there is a time to be Korean, and one to be Venezuelan. However, in Lee the two moments and worlds converge."
Mi serie Kyopo (2010-2014) fue incluida en la primera investigación que se ha hecho sobre la inmigración coreana en Venezuela por R. Valentina Réquiz Molina y publicada por el Centro de Estudios de África, Asia y Diásporas Latinoamericanas y Caribeñas “Dr. José Manuel Briceño Monzillo” (CEAA) de la Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.
"Réquiz Molina indaga en los orígenes históricos de la migración coreana, en la evolución de las leyes migratorias o en los planes para atraer migrantes en la Venezuela de los siglos XIX y XX –de donde pueden extraerse las trabas impuestas a los nativos de países asiáticos–, en la llegada de los primeros coreanos, y en los aportes de este grupo a la ciencia, el mundo empresarial, la medicina tradicional, restaurantes y el deporte, entre otros. De su análisis se desprende una breve revisión sobre las familias que vinieron atraídas por el progreso que vivía la sociedad venezolana en los años setenta y ochenta de la pasada centuria. Finalmente, acompañan a este trabajo cuatro gráficos ilustrativos sobre los residentes, estudiantes y comunidad coreana en Venezuela desde 1993 hasta 2021, así como un extraordinario registro fotográfico de la colección Kyopo, desarrollado por Suwon Lee.
La identidad es una de las líneas trasversales del trabajo de Lee, ya que con su trabajo denominado Los Kyopo logra el primer registro fotográfico de la comunidad coreana en Venezuela. En el 2021, con How to Measure Time, conceptualiza la dualidad en la identidad a través del reloj, pues hay un tiempo para ser coreana, y uno para ser venezolana. Sin embargo, en Lee convergen los dos momentos, los dos mundos."

Descargar la publicación completa aquí
*This research has not yet been translated into English nor Korean. If you would like to support its translation, please contact R. Indira Valentina Réquiz Molina at
Korean immigration in Venezuela (1962 - 2021) Abstract
Korean immigration to Venezuela has not been studied until now. Before 1970, immigration restrictions imposed by the South American nation prevented the massive arrival of these migrants, and although the country was seen as a prosperous place at that time, the political and socioeconomic crisis of the last decade made the Korean community in Venezuela the smallest in Latin America. As a consequence of these mobilities, the history of Koreans in the Caribbean was merely family memories for a long time. Therefore, we believe that this research will allow us to account for those migrants and their descendants. With this experience of Korean immigration, we Venezuelans reflect on ourselves today, learning from it and appreciating it for all that it contributed to the construction of our country.
La inmigración coreana en Venezuela (1962 - 2021) Resumen La inmigración coreana a Venezuela no ha sido estudiada hasta ahora. Antes de 1970, las restricciones migratorias impuestas por la nación sudamericana impidieron la llegada masiva de estos migrantes, y aunque el país fue visto como un lugar próspero en aquel momento, la crisis política y socioeconómica de la última década convirtieron a la comunidad coreana de Venezuela en la más pequeña de Latinoamérica. Como consecuencia de estas movilidades, la historia de los coreanos en el Caribe no fue más que recuerdos familiares durante mucho tiempo. Por ello, consideramos que esta investigación nos permitirá dar cuenta de aquellos migrantes y sus descendientes.Con esta experiencia de la inmigración coreana nos reflejamos hoy los venezolanos, de la cual aprendimos y valoramos mucho por todo lo que aportaron a la construcción de nuestro país. Palabras clave: Venezuela, Corea, Inmigración, siglo XX-XXI.
한국인의 베네수엘라 이민 (1962-2021) 요약 베네수엘라로의 한국인 이민은 지금까지 거의 연구되지 않았습니다. 1970년 이전에는 당시 베네수엘라가 발전된 나라 중의 하나였음에도 불구하고 남미국가의 이민 제한 정책으로 인해 대규모 이민이 어려웠으며, 또한 최근 10 여년 간의 정치적, 사회경제적 위기로 인해 베네수엘라의 한인 공동체는 중남미 지역에서 가장 작은 규모가 되었습니다. 이러한 이유로 카리브 지역에서 한인 역사는 오랫동안 단편적인 역사에 불과했다고 볼 수 있습니다. 따라서 우리는 이 연구를 통해 한인 이민자와 그 후손의 삶을 잘 이해할 수 있을 것입니다. 우리 베네수엘라인은 한인 이민사의 경험을 통해 현재의 우리를 돌아보고 장차 국가발전에 이바지할 수 있는 많은 교훈을 배울 수 있을 것으로 생각됩니다.