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Vortic: Female Voices of Latin America

Presenting some of my most recent work in the virtual solo show Suwon Lee: Landscapes & Self-Portraits

[Versión en español más abajo]

Light builds what is visible, integrating physical and energy dimensions into spaces and figures, thus expressing their complex identities. A group of landscapes and nude self-portraits register the experience of forced migration and the re-invention of personal experience that it generates.

Suwon Lee, a Venezuelan-Korean artist who currently lives and works in Madrid, belongs to that Venezuelan diaspora that has been forced to migrate, to abandon their life and their familiar spaces, due to the socio-political reality and crisis in her country. In this exhibition, Suwon Lee presents a selection of 20 photographs in which she reflects upon her complex and multicultural identity, as well as on the relationships between the physical body and its energetic dimensions. These photographs were taken in Korea, Italy and Spain, the countries that she traveled to after her decision to leave Venezuela. A group of landscapes and nude self-portraits with which Suwon Lee records her transits and experiences, and confronts the outside world with her own needs, experiences and sensitivity.

The online exhibition on the London-based digital platform Vortic consists of 7 "nocturnal landscapes" - urban and natural - in which the interaction of light and shadow creates particular atmospheres that reveal her personal way of seeing and understanding. Alongside these landscapes, we find 3 series of self-portraits, also modulated by the use of light, in which the body itself becomes a territory, a sensitive landscape, which, halfway between presence and absence, gleams and becomes intangible. The landscapes bring forth the way in which Suwon Lee assimilates the places, the particular cultures that she has encountered; in the nude self-portraits, she begins a search or recognition of her condition as a foreigner, and of the fluid and multicultural identity that defines her. Self-Portrait of the Artist, shot in South Korea, is her first foray into the nude, in which the body seems to have been transcended. The Inner Vision and Chorros series were made in Madrid, in her room. In them, by incorporating the use of artificial light, Suwon has drawn energy fields that dynamically link her body with space.

The showroom is divided by geographical region and not thematically, showing her own searches and movements around the world. In the first room we see the photos taken in Korea and Iceland (Bundang Plaza, Paju DMZ, Love Motel Pasta, Self-Portrait of the Artist III, The Darkness of Light) and in the second the photos taken in Europe –Spain and Italy- (Moonset [Rome], Madrid After Filomena, Chorro IV, Chorro V and Nocturne in Almería).

Text by Sandra Pinardi

Online exhibition curated by Aixa Sanchez

Suwon Lee: Landscapes & Self-Portraits

April 5 - May 2, 2021

To view on the Vortic website click here

Largest ever presentation of Latin American female artists

March 8 - May 2, 2021

Female Voices of Latin América celebrates the work of over 150 living female artists from across the region, presented by more than 60 international galleries and institutions. The presentation is the largest ever of Latin American female artists, a group who have been traditionally underrepresented in the international art world, and launched on 8 March 2021 to coincide with International Women’s Day. Each of the participating galleries and institutions present virtual exhibitions on the Vortic platform available to view online at until

2 May 2021.

The initiative offers the chance for collaboration and facilitates the exchange of ideas between galleries whilst spotlighting those around the world who are supporting female Latin American artists, with 19 countries represented. Offering a place of discovery, the collective will pay tribute to artists at all stages of their careers.

The initiative has been curated by a selection committee created and directed by Elena Saraceni, including independent curator Kiki Mazzucchelli, Leslie Ramos (Founder, ArtEater), Lassla Esquivel Durand (Founder, Periferia Projects) and Alessandra Modiano (Director of Sales, Victoria Miro).

The full list of participating galleries and institutions:

● Abra Caracas (Caracas) – (Dulce Gómez)

● A Gentil Carioca (Rio de Janeiro) – Maria Laet, Laura Lima, Ana Linnemann, Renata Lucas, Aleta Valente)

● Aninat Galería (Santiago) – (Teresa Aninat, Patricia Belli, Mónica Bengoa, Jacinta Besa, Fernanda López, Mariana Najmanovich, Kira Piriz, Catalina Swinburn, Manuela Viera-Gallo)

● Carmen Araujo Arte (Caracas) – (Deborah Castillo, Suwon Lee)

● Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo (Mexico City) – (Francisca Aninat, Marcela Armas, María Edwards, Mónica Espinosa, Luciana Lamothe)

● Barro (Buenos Aires) – (Alejandra Seeber)

● Baró Galeria (São Paulo & Madrid) – (Ana Almeida, Gabriela Monteiro)

● Bergamin & Gomide (São Paulo) – (Lenora De Barros)

● Bisagra (Lima) – Artist to be announced

● Luciana Brito Galeria (São Paulo) – (Regina Silveria)

● Cecilia Brunson Projects (London) – (Lucía Pizzani)

● Casa MA (San José) – (Marilyn Boror Bor, Victoria Cabezas, Natalia Dominguez, Claudia Gordillo, Melissa Guevara, Anel Kenjekeeva, Xenia Mejía, Abigail Reyes, Susana Sánchez Carballo, Haydeé Victoria Suescum, Sussy Vargas Alvarado)

● Casa Triângulo (São Paulo) – (Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Sandra Cinto, Vânia Mignone, Mariana Palma, Lyz Parayzo, Manuela Ribadeneira, Marcia Xavier)

● Casas Riegner (Bogotá) – (Liliana Sánchez)

● Central Galería (São Paulo) – (Gretta Sarfaty)

● Centro Cultural São Paulo (São Paulo) – (Renata Felinto, Ventura Profana, Daiara Tukano, Luana Vitra)

● Patricia Conde Galería (Mexico City) – (Graciela Iturbide)

● Crèvecœur (Paris & Marseille) – (Sol Calero)

● Crisis Galería (Lima) – (Jimena Chávez Delion, Pierina Másquez Limo, Ana Navas)

● Delfina Foundation (London) – (Constanza Alarcón Tennen)

● Espacio Julio (Mendoza) – (Yanieb Fabre, Bianca Lee Vasquez)

● Embajada (San Juan) – (Taína Cruz, Larissa De Jesus, Glendalys Medina, Nora Maité Nieves, Livia Ortiz Ríos)

● Espacio Minimo (Madrid) – (Alicia Mihai Gazcue, Liliana Porter, Ana Tiscornia)

● Henrique Faria (New York) – (Delia Cancela, Anna Bella Geiger, Mercedes Elena González, Marta Minujín, Yeni & Nan)

● Freijo Gallery (Madrid) – (Gina Arizpe)

● Fundación Sala Mendoza (Caracas) – (Florencia Alvarado, Valentina Alvarado Matos, Costanza De Rogatis)

● Fundacion Govea-Meoz (Maracaibo) – (María Bilbao-Herrera, Lourdes Peñaranda, Elsy Zavarce)

● Galería Nora Fisch (Buenos Aires) – (Adriana Bustos, Fernanda Laguna)

● Galería La Caja Negra (Madrid) – (Liliana Porter, Regina Silveira)

● Galería de las Misiones (Uruguay) – (Mariana Villafañe)

● Gasworks (London) – (Patricia Domínguez)

● Beatriz Gil (Caracas) – (Bernadette Despujols, Clemencia Labin, Nela Ochoa, Cecilia Paredes, Liliana Porter, Ana Tiscornia)

● Green Art Gallery (Dubai) – (Ana Mazzei)

● Herlitzka + Faria (Buenos Aires) – (Elda Cerrato, Karina Peisajovich, Susana Rodríguez, Candelaria Traverso)

● Kiosko Galería (Santa Cruz) – (Alejandra Alarcón, Claudia Joskowicz, Guiomar Mesa, Raquel Schwartz)

● Fortes D'Aloia & Gabriel (Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo) – (Leda Catunda, Lucia Laguna, Jac Leirner, Beatriz Milhazes, Rivane Neuenschwander, Marina Rheingantz, Valeska Soares, Janaina Tschäpe, Adriana Varejão, Erika Verzutti)

● Kupfer (London) – (Sofía Clausse)

● Galeria Jaqueline Martins (São Paulo) – (Ana Mazzei, Regina Vater)

● Galería Luisa Strina (São Paulo) – (Panmela Castro, Fernanda Gomes, Magdalena Jitrik, Laura Lima, Ana Maria Maiolino)

● Instituto de Visión (Bogotá) – (Karen Paulina Biswell, Carolina Caycedo, Karen Lamassonne, Maria Evelia Marmolejo, Nohemí Pérez, Ana Roldan, María Isabel Rueda)

● Kinderhook & Caracas (Berlin) – (Ana Alenso, Andrea Canepa)

● Labor (Mexico City) – (Irene Kopelman)

● La Gran (Madrid) – (Ana Teresa Barboza)

● MAMBO - Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (Bogotá) – (Rosario López)

● Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo (San José) – (Emilia Azcárate, Pía Chavarría, Aimée Joaristi, Momo Magallon, Nadia Mendoza, Maya Weishof)

● MUMA, Museo de Mujeres Artistas (Museum of Women Artists) (Mexico) – (Mónica Mayer)

● Museo Tamayo (Mexico City) – (Fernanda Barreto, Pia Camil, Julieta Gil, Ángela Leyva, Rita

Ponce de León)

● mor charpentier (Paris) – (Paz Errázuriz, Teresa Margolles, Nohemí Pérez, Rosângela Rennó)

● NF/NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ (Madrid) – (Fritzia Irizar, Daniela Libertad)

● Nueveochenta (Bogotá) – (Beatriz Olano)

● Peres Projects (Berlin) – (Donna Huanca, Ad Minoliti)

● Periferia Projects (London & Paris) – (Maria Laet, Lizi Sánchez, Guga Szabzon)

● PROYECTOSMONCLOVA (Mexico City) – (Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Chantal Peñalosa)

● Proyecto Paralelo (Mexico City) – (Ana Bidart, Cynthia Gutiérrez, Lake Verea)

● Proyectos Ultravioleta (Guatemala City) – (Hellen Ascoli, Regina José Galindo, Johanna


● PUBLIC Gallery (London) – (Vanessa da Silva)

● PROXYCO (New York) – (Lucía Vidales)

● Rolf Art (Buenos Aires) – (María José Arjona, Ananké Asseff, Vivian Galban, Adriana Lestido, Dalila Puzzovio, Silvia Rivas, Milagros de la Torre)

● Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte (Rio de Janeiro) – (Livia Flores, Gabriela Machado)

● Southern Stars (London) – (Delia Cancela)

● TJ Boulting (London) – (Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Laureana Toledo)


Presentando mi cuerpo de trabajo más reciente en la exposición virtual individual Suwon Lee: Paisajes y Autorretratos

La luz construye lo visible, integrando en los espacios y figuras la dimensión física y la energética, expresando su identidad. Paisajes y autorretratos desnudos que registran la experiencia de la migración forzada y la re-invención de la experiencia que genera.

Suwon Lee, artista venezolana-coreana que actualmente vive y trabaja en Madrid, perteneciente a esa diáspora venezolana que se ha visto en la necesidad de migrar, de abandonar su vida y sus espacios familiares, forzada por la realidad socio-política y la crisis que se desarrolla en su país. En esta exposición Suwon Lee presenta una selección de 20 fotografías en las que reflexiona acerca de su identidad compleja y multicultural, así como acerca de las relaciones entre el cuerpo físico y sus dimensiones energéticas. Estas fotografías están realizadas en Corea, Italia y España, los países que ha recorrido luego de su decisión de abandonar Venezuela. Paisajes y autorretratos desnudos en los que Suwon Lee no sólo registra sus tránsitos y sus experiencias, sino que además confronta el mundo exterior con sus propias necesidades, vivencias y sensibilidad.

La muestra virtual en la plataforma digital del colectivo Londinense Vortic consta de 7 “paisajes nocturnos” –urbanos y naturales- en los que el juego de las luces y sombras crean unas atmósferas particulares que revelan sus propios modos de ver y comprender. Junto a estos paisajes, encontramos 3 series de autorretratos, también modulados por el uso de la luz, en los que el propio cuerpo se convierte en un territorio, en un paisaje sensible, que a medio camino entre la presencia y la ausencia resplandece y se hace inasible. En los paisajes se manifiesta el modo cómo Suwon Lee asimila los lugares, las culturas particulares a las que se enfrenta, en los autorretratos desnudos, comienza una búsqueda o reconocimento de su condición de extranjera y de la identidad fluida y multicultural que la define. La serie Self-Portrait of the Artist, elaborada en Corea del Sur, es su primera incursión en el desnudo, en ella el cuerpo pareciera trascenderse. La series Inner Vision y Chorros están elaboradas en Madrid, en su habitación, en ellas al incorporar el uso de una luz artificial, Suwon dibuja campos de energía que vinculan su cuerpo dinámicamente con el espacio.

La sala de exposición está divida por región geográfica y no temáticamente, mostrando sus propias búsquedas y desplazamientos por el mundo. En la primera sala vemos las fotos realizadas en Corea e Islandia (Bundang Plaza, Paju DMZ, Love Motel Pasta, Self-Portrait of the Artist III, The Darkness of Light) y en la segunda las fotos hechas en Europa –España e Italia- (Moonset [Rome],Madrid After Filomena, Chorro IV, Chorro V y Nocturno en Almería).

Texto de Sandra Pinardi

Exposición virtual curada por Aixa Sánchez

Suwon Lee: Paisajes y Autorretratos

5 de abril - 2 de mayo 2021


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